Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Behavioural Approach Essay Example for Free
Behavioural Approach Essay The behavioural approach suggests that all behaviour is learnt. This includes abnormal behaviours. Behaviours can be learned through classical conditioning, operant conditioning or modelling. Ivan Pavlov discovered classical conditioning, where learning results from the association of stimuli with reflex responses. Classical conditioning can be used to explain the development of many abnormal behaviours, including phobias, anxiety disorders and taste aversions. An example of how classical conditioning might result in a phobia is the case of Little Albert. In an experiment carried out by Watson and Rayner, a 11 month old boy called ‘little Albert’ was taught to fear a white rat through associating it with a loud noise, a symbol behind his head. Each time he played with the rat the symbol would be hit which caused him to cry. Eventually he would do so even without the noise due to the classical conditioning theory. This research however, would not receive approval from an ethics committee today because it would be seen as unethical. Making the baby cry deliberately and teaching him to fear the rat would be seen as wrong because it could cause distress and would go against ‘little Alberts’ human rights. The theory of operant conditioning was proposed by Skinner. Operant conditioning involves learning from the consequences of actions. Actions which have a good outcome through positive reinforcement (reward) or negative reinforcement (removal of something bad) will be repeated. Actions which have a bad outcome (punishment) will not be repeated. Operant conditioning explains how abnormal behaviours might be maintained. This could be through positive reinforcement; behaviours which have a good outcome by bringing some sort of reward are said to be positively reinforced. On the other hand it could be down to negative reinforcement which is behaviours which have a good outcome by removing something unpleasant are said to be negatively reinforced. Finally, abnormal behaviours could also be learnt through modelling or social learning, which is learning through observation of an individual. What happens is simply an individual models the behaviour and the observer imitates the model. A strength of the behavioural approach is that it can be experimentally tested. The principles of learning have been and continue to be tested empirically in a laboratory. The focus on observable behaviour means it can be objectively measured. A further strength is that unlike the psychodynamic approach, it doesn’t require delving into the past, which is problematic because it could unearth traumatic experiences which can produce unreliable data. However, those who support the psychodynamic approach suggests the behavioural model only focuses on symptoms, not on the underlying causes of abnormal behaviour. Freudians claim it treats the symptoms while ignoring the root cause of the problem. Therefore it cannot work as the problem will just represent itself with different symptoms. Whereas, the biological approach cannot explain cultural differences in abnormality such as culture-bound syndromes, a strength of the behavioural approach is that it can account for this because It accounts for cultural differences because it recognises the importance of the environment in shaping behaviour. While behavioural treatments are often effective for certain disorders such as obsessive-compulsive disorder and phobias, they have not been found to be effective for many other disorders and have also often been criticised for being unethical because treatment is often painful and uncomfortable and is sometimes imposed on individuals without their consent. The behavioural approach is accused of being reductionist and simplistic. This is because it’s a simple approach with connections of stimulus. It neglects the influence of cognitions (The mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought and experience). A further limitation is that much behaviourist research involves animal studies. While behaviourists argue that humans are fundamentally the same as non-human animals, others would argue that the greater complexity of the human mind makes it difficult to generalise findings from animal studies to humans. Overall the behaviourist approach shows all behaviour to be learnt through our experiences. It states that this learning can either be learnt through classical or operant condition and also the social learning theory. It can be experimentally tested and proven which makes the approach credible however it can be seen just to treat the symptoms of a abnormal behaviour rather than looking at the cause.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Gen X Essay -- essays research papers
Did you know that you are considered part of the first generation symbolizing the decline of the nation? Generations are labeled all the time by historians, novelists and journalist in an attempt to capture the spirit or essence of an era. But the term Generation X carries all the negativity of propaganda and stereotype. The term Generation X has become a derisive media batchphrase, a snide put-down for those 80 million people who, like me, were born between 1961 and 1981. They are the children of the baby boomers and the 13th generation since the pilgrims landed in Plymouth. This group is, were told irresponsible, materialistic, abnormal and apathetic. So how did the term Generation X originate, what are some of their characteristics and why is there so much controversy of the term Generation X? How did the term originate? Back in 1991 a 28 year old named Douglas Coupland wrote a book titled Generation X. The book was about three fictional characters who decided to withdraw from society in order to find themselves. They then moved to Palm Springs, CA where they lived in bungalows and worked at the bottom of the food chain. The book received no publicity and almost no reviews. But that summer a Texan released the movie Slackers, which was filled with overeducated and underoccupied oddballs who loosely paralleled the characters in the book. And at the same time in Seattle, a new form of music was exploding. Its attitude had everything to do with withdrawal, contemplation and seeking new margins. As the media goes, two’s nothing but three’s a trend. Thus were born the most abused buzzwords of the early 90’s Generation X, slacker and grunge. The meaning of generation x Generation X is also sometimes refereed to as the Latch key Generation. With no one at home after school. Generation X has become a negative term to describe their generation as aimless, unfocused, disorganized, unmotivated, lazy and distrustful of ideas and institutions. X’ers were labeled monsters. Their protestants became whining, being mellow became slacking and the struggle to find ourselves became apathy. Stereotypes portray generation x as transfixed by MTV, Beavis & Butthead, wearing baseball caps backwards, safety pins through nipples, rings through noses and wearing flannel during summer. They are characterized as deadbeats who lack the personal ambition ... ...m large government programs. Conclusion Although there is still much conflict and uncertainty about Generation X. You now know that generation x refers to a group of people born between 1961 and 1981. Generation X is perceived by the media, government and others to be a generation that lacks depth or direction or to add value to society. Many suggest that they are the lost generation. They may in fact be the generation that has learned from our parents mistakes and now have a different way of thinking and adapting itself to a changing world. Yet they continue to be discredited. Society need to understand that X is a term that defines not a chronological age but a way of looking at the world. Generation Xers are working to make a better life for themselves. They want to ensure that the interest of their generation is looked out for and they are committed to improving the public’s perception of their generation. Generation X is most certainly not a lost cause. Contrary to popular belief, they are intelligent and are very concerned about their future. They will in fact be the most influential and important generation in the next century, they will make a difference.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Pearl Harbor Turning Point in History Essay
We chose our topic by making a list of possible topics that interested us and looking at the topics that were suggested by our teacher. We then researched a little bit, reading books and articles about different topics and events that happened in history. We finally decided on The Attack of Pearl Harbor, because it interested us the most. I began my research by going to the library to find out as much information about Japan and America during that era. Then, i began to search online for specific documents that gave insight on the attack on Pearl Harbor. After that, i began to look up video and other primary source documents. From that, my project began to evolve. The road to war between the United States of America and Japan began on the surprise aerial attack on the United States Navy base in Pearl Harbor on December 7th 1941. This was the first step that brought the might United States into the Second World War Relations between the two countries started to detireate in the early 1930’s when Japan started to become aggressive in Asia, mainly in Manchuria in 1931 and tried to start conquering the rest of China into 1937. Japan in 1940 decided to allied itself with the â€Å"Axis†with countries like Germany. This alone made us extremely interested in the topic After deciding on the topic of The Attack Of Pearl Harbor, we researched more about this event by going to the library, researching online, reading books, reading articles, watching videos, and looking at pictures from that day. There were many primary and secondary sources about this topic, which made it easier to research. There were also many pictures, which was surprising considering this event occurred in 1941. We decided to do a website for our History fair project. Once we determined our topic we realized it would be very difficult to find some time to meet up and work on the project, that’s when we thought to do a website. It would easy for both of us to access, since we both have computers at home. Also we don’t have to always meet up to work on it. This gives us both more time to add more information to our website and make it better. Our project about Pearl Harbor relates to the National History Day theme of 2012, turning points in history, because the attack itself was a turning point within a turning point. World War 2 was a turning point in our history because it helped to stop communism and the spreading of Adolf Hitler’s power. And The Attack of Pearl Harbor is a turning point in the war, the point when the United States decided to take part in the war. Before the bombs hit us, we wanted to stay out of the war. But after Japan mercilessly bombed Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, we knew it was time to try to put an end to the axis powers. Without this attack, we wouldn’t have joined the war, and the war wouldn’t have affected us. And without the bombing, the axis powers probably would’ve had a chance of winning, so the US joining the war was a big turning point.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Analysis Of Amazon s The Era Of Globalization Essay
Individual Research Paper: Amazon In the era of globalization, understanding of international business culture is the key in expanding ones job prospects and it also equips with the required skill set to face the challenges of the intricate global settings. Amazon is a perfect example to learn from as it ventured from national to international stage and went through all the challenges faced during global expansion in terms of politics, governance, taxation, international policy and laws. Marketing and sales strategies coupled with innovation has been the driving force behind Amazon’s growth and success. This paper reflects on some of Amazon’s strengths after a brief overview of company’s history and background. Through shifting business models, its competitors have been trying to catch up with Amazon and could provide stiff competition in future. In face of the challenges ahead, Amazon weaknesses are discussed in regards to international business issues. In the end recommendations are provided fo r Amazon’s growth and sustainability as an international leader in innovation and technology. Background and Overview Jeff Bezos was working on wall street in a hedge fund during early 1900s when he came across the statistic that internet is growing at the rate of 2300%. He became fascinated and obsessed with the number and realized he need to get on the internet fast. He realized the potential of online book selling since there wasn’t a comprehensive catalogue at the time so heShow MoreRelatedMarketing Myopia, By Theodore Levitt1348 Words  | 6 PagesMarketing Myopia Analysis â€Å"Marketing Myopia†, by Theodore Levitt is one of Harvard Business Review’s most profound articles ever published, having won the McKinsey Award in 1960. The title of the article hints what it suggests, a short-sighted approach to marketing. 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