Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Research Programme for Preschool Students
Introduction Preschoolers are incredible group of individuals that are fast growing. It is during the early years of growth that a child can be imparted with various developmental strategies so as to keep abreast with emerging developmental aspects especially in learning literature. Therefore, having simple and clear strategies of teaching will help impact the kids with relevant knowledge perfect growth and development in literal terms.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Research Programme for Preschool Students specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Selection of Literature Materials As I will be dealing with incredibly young individuals, it will be prudent to acquire simple forms of materials that will assist the kids to have uttermost understanding of the learning programme. This will help them attain maximum knowledge as they are in the exponential stage of development. During this stage they are able to maximize use o f their learning abilities (Giorgis, 2008). In addition, I will ensure that the learning strategies employed are interesting and captivating for the little and lovely minds. Good titles and books as media will be a good choice of teaching materials. I will help the kids develop positive attitude towards literature. The books will have illustrative objects such as pictures that are memorable. In addition, I will ensure that the choice of words in the books is interesting enough for the kids to relate to. Also, the choice of themes will be from selections that are captivating to the young minds and easy to remember. Characters in the literature material will be of animal origin such as hare of which kids are fond of. Furthermore, I will use educative materials that have high literal skills and are easy to understand. A CD Rom could also be a good media for my kids. I will ensure that they engage in listening and answering of questions especially in activities that require audience pa rticipation. Since, I want my students to relate with every portion of the activity I give, every pupil will have to perform the actions of the fictional animal characters in the stories that I will use. In case of creating models and coloring, my students will have the pleasure to do the activities themselves. This will help them improve their memory skills and discourage laziness and boredom Development Goals The concept of development is that there should be continuity of learning as pupils get to learn complex skills that are to be deepened into their system with time. This process can be done perfectly when relevant goals are achieved through the set objectives.Advertising Looking for essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Knowledge and Experience The knowledge and experience of the child should be taken as the basis for development. This will enable the child to understand abstract from concrete, complex fr om simple and unknown from known (Giorgis, 2008). All these strategies are geared towards making concepts relevant, coherent and effective to the child. The Environment The environment in which the child is in is a vital contributor to psychological development. Most learning modes happen to be first hand contact materials. These first hand contacts also works for the young minds that are in the process of development. That is why throughout the learning process, I will ensure I use the objects that are mostly used by the kids at home or in school. For instance, naming of most household objects such as chair, trees, cups, friends and domestic animals and pets will be part of my learning strategies. Guided Learning and Discovery I will be able to learn the experiences the child has acquired and help out in areas that the child is incapacitated. By identifying these experiences, I will be able to know what to add for full development of that particular stage (Hills, 1999). This will also go hand in hand with discovery of knew knowledge and experiences. Social and Emotional Development I will create the right environment for teacher and child interaction. The child’s learning experience could most probably be affected by the social and emotional aspect. I will improve their self confidence through improving their communication skills and nurturing the vital interpersonal intrapersonal development processes. Collaborative Work I will be able to introduce the children to joint learning methods that will ensure that each of them gains extra knowledge from their colleagues (Giorgis, 2008). This goal will also add up to social development. Having the kids know their friends problem solving strategies will intensify their understanding capabilities. I will ensure that I get to know the diverse aspects in my children’s social and economic life. With this knowledge, I will address them appropriately without alienating any of the kids but not allowing the m to notice their indifferences.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Research Programme for Preschool Students specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Assessment The significance of every learning process is assessment. With this I will be able to know my progress as a teacher and the progress of my little angels (Airasian, 2002). An assessment will help me ascertain my achievements and also create long and short term learning goals. With this needs in mind, I will be able to plan for the future effectively. Areas of assessment that I will work on will include learning procedures, strategies, stages and the products of learning. Assessments tools on the other hand will include informal methods like homework’s, observational methods and formal such as standardized tests and diagnostic tests. Implementation I will set objectives that I will have to achieve within a certain period of time supposedly a semester or term . I will only choose about three objectives as a start point. Some of these objectives will be like: Children will be able to follow the instructions keenly, follow direction and improve in their participation in class work. Children will be able to remember what they have learnt in class. Children will be able to do collaborative work and enhance peer interactions. I will also go through my lessons according to the standardized pre primary school teacher-expectations so as to be abreast with curriculum and teaching methods. Evaluation Summative evaluation or outcome is one of the focuses of good assessment methods. I will ensure that I give the assessment clear focus so as to accumulate enough reasons for my achievements or failure. But, my focus at this point is for nothing but success. This evaluation will determine whether the right objectives were considered for the programme. My evaluation plans will also include comparison of my results with other teaching institutions in the district, regional and national levels. By using the right formal and informal assessment tools, I will be able to know my achievements and areas that need adjustments. Conclusion Having young minds as my pupils is one job I enjoy doing. Being able to induct right knowledge into the pupils and to see them grow in experience will be my motivation. I will ensure that I do not go out of the teaching standards and expectations but use my knowledge of early childhood education to build a generation that is knowledgeable and productive. Advertising Looking for essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Kids love involvement in practical work, therefore, I will use proper development goals of each aspect of growth in kids to impart proper knowledge. Creating a positive environment will be handy in achieving these goals. Therefore, I will ensure that I do my best to achieve nothing but success. Reference List Airasian, P. (2002). Classroom Assessment. New York: McGraw-Hill. Giorgis, C., Joan, G. (2008). Young Children Literature: Supporting Emergent Literature (6th ed.). New York: Prentice hall. Hills, T. (1999). Learning: Educating Preschoolers. Washington, DC: National Academy Press. This essay on Research Programme for Preschool Students was written and submitted by user Za1n to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Market research is the key to success Essays
Market research is the key to success Essays Market research is the key to success Essay Market research is the key to success Essay p9) It might also have used customer interviews or questionnaires, focus or user groups, surveys or panels as one of the sources in order to have a general consumers overview. There are several advantages associated with field research. Tesco could aim questions directly at research objectives, derive latest information from the marketplace and assess the psychology of the customers. Moreover, the relevant data could be a competitive advantage as other rivals will not have had access to it. As for the drawbacks, it can be costly, time-consuming and at the same time Tesco taking risk of bias questionnaires and interviewer. In additions, the research findings may only be usable if comparable backdata exists (Marcouse, 2008, p144). On the contrary, desk research uses secondary data that already exists. If Tesco carried out desk research, it could collect data via internal and external resources. Internal resources may consisted of company accounts, internal reports and analysis, retail data (e. g. loyalty cards) and stock analysis (Biz/ed, n. d. ); whereas external resources may comprised rivals marketing literature, government-produced data, trade press and the internet (Marcouse, 2008, p143-144). Desk research often obtained a wide range of data without high cost, and usually based on actual sales figures or research on large samples which increase accuracy of the data. A further advantage is allowing Tesco to have a good overview of the market. However, the data may not be updated regularly and not tailor-made to companys need. Similarly, the reports may be expensive to buy on various marketplaces (ibid, p144). Market research data could be numerical or psychological, namely, quantitative or qualitative (Marcouse, 2008, p143). If Tesco used quantitative research, it concerns with gathering hard data on large sample of people and presenting information on statistical basis, such as diagrams that could be used to analyse the information. It usually interrelated with data on the market size, shares and growth. Three key perspectives to be considered by Tesco, that are sampling, writing an unbiased questionnaire that meet the research objectives, and assessing the validity of the results (ibid, p146). If Tesco used qualitative research, they could understand consumers behaviour, attitudes and perceptions in some depth but not statistics data. It usually conducted by psychologists and takes two main forms which are focus groups and depth interviews. Focus groups conducted with psychologists and a group of consumers; whereas depth interviews only between a psychologist and a consumer, which is better as to avoid risk that group opinions will be swayed by certain influential person (ibid, p145). It is at best if Tesco combined both research types as one because if only one research type being conducted, Tesco would not get a whole picture of consumers behaviour, attitudes and perceptions. Sampling means selecting people as representative of the whole of a population which their view will be taken as representative of all first-time buyers. There are three main sampling techniques that Tesco might have used. If Tesco used random samples, it ensures everyone in the population has an equal chance of being selected. It would be effective, but costly and time-consuming, and may have chosen those not in the right group. If Tesco chosen quota sampling, it selecting interviewees in proportion to the consumer profile within the target market (ibid, p146). It aims at obtaining a sample that represents the overall population (tutor2u, n. d. ). It is relatively cheap, effective and most commonly used. However, it is not random thus enduring some risk of bias. If Tesco opted stratified sampling, it only involved interviewees with key characteristic required for the sample. Within this stratum of population, individuals could be found indiscriminately or by setting quotas based on factors such as region (Marcouse, 2008, p143). Although it still random, it is more focussed, relevant and may be more cost effective. It is important for Tesco to consider the sample size and response rate as these could lead to serious issues such as launch of product flopped. Generally, a sample of 100 respondents is far more meaningful if the results are clear-cut. A sample of 1000 respondents is possible but costly. Survey methods may have influence in response rate and built-in bias rate. Database-driven research, for instance, may be the most accurate and reliable resource as it information bases upon current or ex-customers. Market research helps firms to plan ahead rather than to guess ahead (The Times 100). Large established companies such as Tesco have huge advantages over new smaller companies as their knowledge of consumer attitudes and behaviour constructed from years of market research conducted. However, it may not be the only factor that determines the success of a business. Test marketing, for instance, could provide more accurate data than marketing research, thus allows more accurate sales forecasts and identify a weak link; howsoever, it is far costly, acquire large-scale of production and allows rivals to foreseen. Besides, innovation enables company to distinguish themselves from rivals and even interrupt the product life cycle by extend the product maturity. Furthermore, external factors such as economic and environment could be the main issues. As an example, global recession is claimed by Tim Mason to be one of the factors that caused Tescos losses in US stores (Finch, 2009). Taking everything into consideration, certain conclusion can be drawn. Tesco which has strong home branding and in a very good financial health, that Fresh and Easy strategy would be far more effective and accurate if Tesco conducted both primary and secondary marketing research which combining both qualitative and quantitative research in specific locality of their United State stores. It appears probable that marketing research may be fairly important as one of the factors that determine the success of a business but may not be the only crucial factor.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Scenario Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Scenario - Essay Example Furthermore, it forces one side to feel oppressed and correct, while the other feels guilt. Bringing up such tension simples show how racism is easy to rekindle and divisive even in its resolutions. In Ms. Williams’ place, I would present situations in foreign countries that show the devastating results not only of racism, but of counter-racism. More important than simply raising awareness about how racism has subsided nation-wide is to show the damage cause when groups do exactly what the students are doingâ€â€coming together as a race to stand against, rather than unite with, another. I would show immediately the most basic case, which is how anti-Semitism developed in Nazi Germany as a result to a pro-white movement. This would illustrate how too much pride in one’s own race can devastate. I would go on to give them harsh realities of genocide. One example is the Armenian genocide committed by Turkey, where European people suffered at the hands of another race. I would also mention that blacks in Africa are not only the oppressed, as they were in 20th Century America, but also have been violently oppressive. In the end, this would give the students a dose of reality rather than idealism. It would be a warning that conflicts have no victors, and that racism divides can divide into even smaller grudges which can end not only in hurt but in shocking loss of human life. This would be a lesson for all, and it would end with a reminder of why America gives us opportunity to live togetherâ€â€because our fathers and grandfathers managed to come to
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