Friday, December 27, 2019
The Jewish Community in Greece Essay example - 2624 Words
The Jewish Community in Greece Problems with format ?The Jewish community in Greece has a very colorful and intriguing past, but it is also a history filled with undeserved discriminatory acts and hatred.? The earliest Jews came to Greece either in chains or because of persecution, and soon experienced more hardships and troubles.? And just when Greece had overcome its discrimination and its Jews began to breathe easily, the worst persecution of all befell the community.? The Jewish community in Greece was once large and prominent.? In fact, ?the country once boasted some of the most distinguished and ancient Jewish communities in the world.1 But only a shadow of its once glorious past remains, and Jews are currently facing†¦show more content†¦Later emperors such as Heraclius, Leo III, and Basil I tried to force all Jews in the empire to convert to Christianity.? Throughout the Byzantine era, Jews continually faced troubles, and life did not become easier with Ottoman rule, in which Jews faced political and economic pre ssures.? When Greece became a country in 1821, it ?recognized the civic and political equality of the Jews.?5? The lives of Greek Jews were greatly improved until the 1940s, when anti-Semitism and hatred removed them from their homes and robbed them of their lives. History of Thessaloniki ?The Greek city of Salonika, or Thessaloniki, is an excellent example of the Greek Jewish community.? This ?illustrious, proud and powerful city? was the home of thousands of Jews for centuries.6? It was named after Alexander the Great?s sister and built by her husband, Kassandros.7? Kassandros is responsible for the first Jews moving to Thessaloniki.? He petitioned the Egyptian king Ptolemei to allow Jewish artists to come in 140 B.C.? The Jews in Thessaloniki were called Romaniotes and spoke Greek, but kept the Hebrew ways sacred as well.? The first account of Jews in Thessaloniki comes from Paul, who traveled there during his proselytizing career.? The Jewish population was very small at this point, and it was not until the Byzantine times that ?a significant community? was in Thessaloniki.8?Show MoreRelatedGreece And Its Cultural Literacy1333 Words  | 6 Pageslong from West to East, the country of Greece is definitely noteworthy. In our constant efforts to assist the Middle East, getting to know one of their close neighbors seemed like a wise decision. Although we are not actively fighting in Greece, their proximity to Turkey has made them an unfortunate hiding place for jihadist groups. (Lister, Mantzikos 2015) Getting to know Greece; their culture, geography, military conflict history, and weather within Greece will help the U.S. Army to stay in frontRead MoreAn Overview of the Greek and Roman Empire1654 Words  | 7 Pagesplayed an important role in the development of Gee civilization. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019
The Myth Of The Latin Women I Just Met A Girl Named Maria
During the time I been taking English 105 we have talked about many essays. Many of the essays we read in this semester were interesting essays in the 50 essays book. Most of the essays were inspirational to students. Some of the essays were very helpful they help develop our writing skills and how to be more descriptive in our essays. For the student learning outcome the essays should be interesting for the student to feel involved when talking about the essays. Many of the essays in our book were relatable to many students, yet there was one essay that ,in my opinion, did not have to be in our syllabus. In the essay The Myth of the Latin Women: I Just Met a Girl Named Maria by Judith Ortiz. The essay I did not believe it had to be in our syllabus because it really did not have to do much with the student learning outcome was The Declaration of Independence by Thomas Jefferson. In the essay of Judith Ortiz The Myth of the Latin Women: I Just Met a Girl Named Maria was an essay I believe many students were able to relate, understand, and reflect with the arguments she pointed out. Judith Ortiz seemed passionate in her essay because it was a narrative of a situation she went through. While reading Judith s essay it was easy to comprehend what she was trying to make her audience understand. Judith s tone throughout the essay was form, reflective, and informative. The imagery she gives us in her essay when talking to about Latin women made easy for students to imageShow MoreRelatedThe Myth Of The Latin Wom I Just Met A Girl Named Maria868 Words  | 4 Pagessociety. â€Å"The Myth of the Latin Woman: I Just Met a Girl Named Maria†is a short essay in which the award winning poet and professor of English, Judith Ortiz Cofer, wishes to inform and persuade the audience that labels and stereotypes can be humiliating and hurtful. The author targets the gen eral public, anyone that doesn’t understand that putting someone in a box because of a stereotype is wrong. Cofer starts out the essay by telling the reader a story with a drunk man who re-enacted â€Å"Maria†from theRead Moremyth of Latin women757 Words  | 4 Pages Summary and Response to â€Å"The Myth of the Latin Woman: I Just Met a Girl Named Maria†In â€Å"The Myth of the Latin Woman: I Just Met a Girl Named Maria,†Judith Ortiz Cofer illustrates several hardships she suffered due to the universal, misleading stereotypes propagated by the media. Cofer demonstrates various stereotypes that Latin women are subjected to, such as an experience in which she was regarded as a waitress at a California restaurant, and â€Å"the Hispanic woman as the ‘Hot Tamale’ or sexualRead MoreWhen We Judge Another We Define Our Self955 Words  | 4 Pagesand see what is inside instead of overlooking it, you might find it interesting after all. This quote by my family member can easily be tied to â€Å"The Myth of the Latin Women: I just met a Girl Named Maria†by Judith Ortiz Cofer, and â€Å"Just walk on By: Black Men and Public Spaces†by Brent Staples. Cofer, talks about how she was stereotyped for being a Latin woman in American culture. Then Staples, talks about how he was discriminated for being a tall, black man that worked as a journalist in a predominantlyRead MoreThe Myth Of The Latin Woman918 Words  | 4 Pagesthem. In Cofer’s essay â€Å" The Myth of the Latin Woman: I Just Met a Girl Named Maria†and Staples â€Å"Just Walk on By: Black Men and Public Spaces†, they talk about what they have been through with racial stereotyping and what affects it has them, personally. But even with those stereotypes in play they both prove that stereotypes do not determines someone s future and people are able to prove stereotypes wrong. â€Å"The Myth of the Latin Woman: I Just Met a Girl Named Maria†, by Cofer explains what sheRead MoreThe Myth Of The Latin Wom I Just Met A Girl Named Maria820 Words  | 4 PagesThe essay â€Å"The Myth of the Latin Woman: I Just Met a Girl Named Maria†by Judith Ortiz Cofer is about deprivation that Latin women go through everyday due to stereotypes that society make up. Stereotypes play a big role in the way that individuals are identified by society. Cofer describes her personal experiences of being a Latin woman, and her struggles that she has to face because of the stereotypes. Cofer tells us of some incidences that happened throughout her life. Like going to London forRead MoreComparing Mairs And The Myth Of A Latin Wom I Just Met A Girl Named Maria1328 Words  | 6 PagesWe tend to identify them based on their appearance, rather than who or how they are as people. We are often unaware of the impacts our labels have on these people. In the essay â€Å" O n being a cripple†by Nancy Mairs and â€Å" The Myth of a Latin woman : I Just Met a Girl Named Maria†by Judith Ortiz Cofer, the writers have successfully portrayed the feelings that arise in people’s mind based on the way they are identified. In both the essays, the writers tell us how they have been incorrectly labeled andRead MoreIn The United States, Not Only Are Latin Women Being Misunderstood,1508 Words  | 7 PagesIn the United States, not only are Latin women being misunderstood, but African American women are also stereotyped by other people. Latin women are discriminated in their dressing and service occupations, while African American Americans are stereotyped in sexually promiscuous, caregiving role, and â€Å"welfare queens.†Both of them are victims of racial stereotypes, which affect them negatively on their identities and characteristics. However, the differentiation of their cultures makes them beingRead MoreAll Men Are Created Equal 1313 Words  | 6 Pagesdiscriminate against women. In today’s society, the traditional roles, values, and thoughts placed upon women from prehistoric times still play a central part in the inequality women face every day. The day I no longer have to worry about what I’m wearing will label me as a â€Å"slut,†is the day that women will be thought of as more than just sexual objects. The day I can be praised for my brains instead of my beauty, it the day men and women will be considered equal. This is the future I hope to fosterRead MoreOvercoming Racism Essay1244 Words  | 5 Pageshis famous â€Å"I Have a Dream†Speech, Dr. Martin Luther King stated, â€Å"Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred†on regarding how to deal with racism in America. Having more class than your opponent and keeping ones dignity is still possible whe n pursuing equality, though it may not always be easy. Judith Ortiz Cofer tells in her essay, â€Å"The Myth of the Latin Woman†, whatRead MoreStaples and Cofer1308 Words  | 6 Pagesautomatically stick some sort of stereotype to them. Stereotypes are strongly displayed in the media; stereotype can be based of someone’s color, culture, religion, or sex. In Black men in public spaces by Brent Staples, and in The Myth of the Latin Woman: I Just Met a Girl Named Maria by Judith Ortiz Cofer, the authors talk about stereotypes based on their gender and ethnicity and the experiences they both encounter because of their ethnicity and gender which have many similarities and differences. Stereotypes
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Internal & External Service Relationship-Free-Samples-Myassignment
Question: Discuss abuot the Internal and External Service Quality Relationship. Answer: Introduction People around the world always have the desire of desiring the best. The service providers always strive to offer quality services to the clients irrespective of whether they are the monopoly or not. According to Akbar and Parvez (2009), external factors that include the customer satisfaction is one of the major drives that have excited an enormous increase in productivity. In foods and beverages industry where service is given priority, the external service quality directly corresponds to increase in profits of any business enterprise since more customers are attracted by the external appearance and reputation of the service. As the number of customers increases, the turnover also increases accordingly. Foods and beverage outlets should ensure quality service since it attracts return customers, who in most cases, recommend the same to their friends. Smith also noted that social influence is a critical issue that needs to be addressed since most of the recommendation will be affected by the initial service, and the manner in which it is offered. The employees of every firm are the internal customers, who largely depend on the outputs of their colleagues in various departments to serve their external and internal customers, and therefore, there is need to provide an internal service quality. The business should strive to satisfy their employees, which are their internal customers, for them to provide quality services to the external customers. Failure to address the needs of one of the internal quality chain participate will contribute to a series of problems on other sections which directly or indirectly affects the internal and external customers. The customers provides judgement about the services provided basing on their perceptions and whether their expectations have been met or not. The link that exists between both internal and external quality services is derived from analyzing the individual quality dimensions Service Quality Service quality of food and beverages companies or restaurants has developed as an essential capacity under dialog in most of the countries which has been recognized as one of the productive structures for the performance of most of the hotels in the competitive industry. The service quality of the hotel and foods and beverages industry provides nearly similar services, building up high service quality, supplement consumer loyalty, and extend the hierarchical benefit of suppliers and piece of the overall industry (Chou et al. 2011). Most restaurants conduct research on the criticality of issues, to assessing service quality, consumer loyalty, and client assumptions in regards to the administration quality. As Gonzalez, and Comesana, (2007), service quality has developed as an issue of significance for the foods and beverages business it has been distinguished as a standout among the best means by building a focused position and enhancing authoritative excellence. Consumer loyalty and client desires are two vital factors in assessing the service quality and settle on fundamental choices concerning the future investments. A standout among the most vital improvement angles in foods and beverage framework is the developing thought toward benefit nature of restaurants by conveying valuable information and quality support of the clients. The service quality can either be internal or external. External Service Quality This includes services that directly or indirectly influences the customers demand for particular beverage or food from specific outlets. Organizational image It refers to the overall reputation of the foods and beverage firm which builds the confidence of the external consumers. It is the outlook of the restaurant, treatment of customers, the appearance of the waiters or staff. The brand image may attract more customers to purchase the product, and this depends on the first impression that the customers gain from the environment. Safety and choice The factor describes the accessibility of the restaurant to most of the population, the various variety of the dishes, the waiters address and responses to customers demands and questions. The several varieties will give the external customers the ability to select the brands or favorite dishes and beverages from the available alternatives (Dhurup, 2012). Empathy It refers to the hours of operation that gives convenience to the customers needs and demands. The business should ensure that they serve their customers giving priority to individual attention. Product The factor takes into consideration the prices offered by the restaurants and other outlets are in conformity with the quality. The packaging sizes, tastes, quality of the brands as well as the appearance should be in line with the demands of the customers. Responsiveness It refers to the ability and availability of the staff members such as the waiters to respond to the demands and requests of the customers. The staff should always be eager to serve their customers by delivery quality services possible. Internal service quality Empathy The factor describes the interactions among the individual member staff, which in this manner should be polite and proper addressing of the internal providers. It describes the feeling of satisfaction as a result of interactions and transactions with store keepers and the kitchen personnel in the restaurant or any outlet. Professionalism It describes the attractive nature of the dishes and beverages offered. The personnel should have sufficient knowledge on how to prepare attractive and quality food. Responsiveness It refers to efficiency and punctuality in service provision by the kitchen staff to their fellow waiters. Factors, such as the appropriate temperature reaching to customers, is as a result of quick and good flow of service offered to the waiters by the chefs. Safety This describes the confidence that is provided through self-trust by the internal workers of the restaurant. The good appearance of the service providers instills the necessary confidence that inspires individual members internally. Reliability The factor characterizes the accuracy through accurate keeping of kitchen and other records such as store details. The kitchen staff and waiters should always be accurate and keep their timelines accordingly to ensure consistent reliability of the services they offer to customers. Service Profit Diagram Employee satisfaction is the ability of the company to serve their employee needs, listening to complains and responding to them promptly. Satisfied employees are productive and improves the quality of services provided which boosts the reputation of the organization leading to subsequent increase in profits. Customer loyalty depends on the treatment offered by the restaurant management. The management should be friendly, especially if they are providing quality services. Employee productivity: this is the case where employees use their abilities to full potential in working environment. Chefs for example should show competences and ensure they deliver quality dishes that will create customers attraction. Customer satisfaction: refers to contentment of the customers due to the service delivery offered by the waiters and other responsible personnel in the restaurant. To ensure customer satisfaction, the services should be prompt, and the quality and standards required by the clients be met. Measuring Consumers Service Quality Perception The demands of both, the internal and external customers should be considered, especially during the process of service delivery. In measuring service quality, either internal or external, SERVQUAL is the most used tool. In this tool caparison of before and after service is done. The dimensions that are put into consideration include: responsiveness, tangibles, assurance and reliability. The setting of service quality has not been seen consistently. (Kumar, Tat Kee, Taap Manshor, 2009).) for example depicted two arrangements of quality setting: objective, and saw quality; the main concentrates on the measures and rules being set up by proficient bodies, while the second relates to clients recognitions. Essentially, the administration quality into specialized and practical. All things considered, writing on benefit quality has been arranged behind the most recent class while kept up a level of deterioration with the first. Then again, researchers have tried to enhance benefit quality. Their models that conceptualize benefit quality change incorporated the disconfirmation, saw quality, SERVQUAL, and Six Sigma (Ladhari, 2008). Also, Mosahab, Mahamad Ramayah, (2010) explained two different models in particular Berrys model and Gronrros model, however put them inside the setting of the inner promoting hypothesis. Be that as it may, the previous models saw benefit qualit y from a thin point of view; none have had an all-encompassing perspective of value. This clarifies the irregularity in conceptualizing administration quality where the apparent administration quality continued to gauge clients fulfillment specifically. In the food and refreshments business, most investigators are possessed with extending customer dedication; satisfied customers tend to return and make the advantage to business. The described buyer faithfulness as a measure of how the customer sees advantage movement. As indicated by Santouridis, and Trivellas, (2010), shopper dependability is a segment of organization execution concerning the customer seek. Thus, it is basic to perceive how customer covet is confined with a particular true objective to perceive the components of organization satisfaction. As (Yee et al. 2010) inspected the way that unmistakable customers have different cravings, in light of their understanding into a thing or administration. This can be surmised that a customer may survey what the organization execution will be or may think what the execution ought to be. If the organization execution meets or outperforms customers needs and wants, the customers will be satisfied. The services rendered by these bus inesses should meet the expectations of their customers to avoid frustrations and negativity towards the firm. As noted above, a more noteworthy number of fulfilled clients will make the lodging business more fruitful and more beneficial. Past research investigated consumer loyalty in regards to the administration nature of all territories in the lodging with the goal that the inn can evaluate the client observation. This examination distinguished five variables of administration quality by concentrating on the front office staff just, and investigated the customers and desires and observation levels of these services. The aftereffects of this quantitative appraisal of administration quality might give a few bits of knowledge into how clients rate the administration quality and evaluated customers and fulfillments. Service Quality and Efficiency There is a constant competition between business entities which offer similar goods and services globally. The measure of this competition keep rising annually and the need to enhance hierarchical execution has never been more prominent. Numerous businesses regularly spend adequate assets to pull in individuals who are appropriate for the higher positions. Frequently there are huge expenses related with drawing in, preparing and terminating of an awful or frustrating workers, and the cost of the more it takes to understand that a sufficiently representative not expanded. Hence, cautious choices are given toward beginning about who to get included can be very cumbersome. Thus, the group of the choice is made more than one individual to assess and select a viable representative. The focal part of representatives in the hierarchical viability and service quality is recognized by analysts and experts (Siddiqi, 2011). The general population working in the organization, the source and reason for the utilization of different sources (Ladhari, 2008). Therefore, by methods for a viable determination framework, an organization's representatives are, fundamentally, a key resource. Outlining the primary discoveries of this work, majority of clients are satisfied by the quality service offered by the restaurant, whereby most supporters being more fulfilled than first time guests. Factor investigation of client information uncovered six elements (measurements) of outside administration quality, four of which (security and decision, sympathy, unwavering quality and responsiveness) were like those found in the writing while the other two (item and hierarchical picture) gave extra help to the perspective. Conclusion For one to raise the service quality delivery in the foods and beverage industry, one needs to employ and assess the regularly to ensure that their experience and services correlates with the needs and objectives of the firm. Both, the internal and external customers takes into critical consideration on attributes such as the reliability and high levels of quality in services offered by the internal providers. For restaurants and other similar outlets to make viable progress, they need to understand how their clients view their service quality, and to understand how to measure such quality. By measuring the service quality, the management is able to obtain vital information that they will subsequently use in offering quality services to their clients. From the above, it can be seen that supervisors of food and beverages outlets should concentrate on ensuring that internal service quality is always upheld if they wish to enhance outside administration quality, e.g. improve internal correspondence and coordinated effort among offices that are connected in work process and help evacuate bottlenecks and take part in critical thinking (Gunawardane, 2011). Regarding particular arrangements that might be promptly actualized, discoveries demonstrate that it might be sufficient to gather information from internal clients (a less demanding assignment) with a specific end goal to get an inclination for the nature of service towards outside clients. Additionally, since outer clients detailed that they got institutionalized services, it might be a smart thought for internal providers (i.e. chefs, or those working in the kitchen) to be more adaptable with the goal that they may react to individualized client needs. At last, the consequences of this examination convey the consideration of specialists to the idea that while the item (i.e. sustenance) may fulfill needs of external clients (i.e. eatery benefactors), low quality of services may in any case negatively affect the general achievement. References Akbar, M. M., Parvez, N. (2009). Impact of service quality, trust, and customer satisfaction on customers loyalty.ABAC Journal,29(1). Bouranta, N., Chitiris, L., Paravantis, J. (2009). The relationship between internal and external service quality.International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management,21(3), 275-293. Chou, C. C., Liu, L. J., Huang, S. F., Yih, J. M., Han, T. C. (2011). An evaluation of airline service quality using the fuzzy weighted SERVQUAL method.Applied Soft Computing,11(2), 2117-2128. Dhurup, M. (2012). Determinants of internal service quality and the relationship with internal customer satisfaction.African Journal of Business Management,6(11), 4185-4195. Gonzalez, M. E. A., Comesana, L. R., Brea, J. A. F. (2007). Assessing tourist behavioral intentions through perceived service quality and customer satisfaction.Journal of business research,60(2), 153-160. Gunawardane, G. (2011). Reliability of the internal service encounter.The International Journal of Quality Reliability Management,28(9), 1003-1018. Hu, H. H., Kandampully, J., Juwaheer, T. D. (2009). Relationships and impacts of service quality, perceived value, customer satisfaction, and image: an empirical study.The service industries journal,29(2), 111-125. Johnston, R. (2008). Internal service - barriers, flows and assessment.International Journal of Service Industry Management,19(2), 210-231. Kumar, M., Tat Kee, F., Taap Manshor, A. (2009). Determining the relative importance of critical factors in delivering service quality of banks: an application of dominance analysis in SERVQUAL model.Managing Service Quality: An International Journal,19(2), 211-228. Kuo, Y. F., Wu, C. M., Deng, W. J. (2009). The relationships among service quality, perceived value, customer satisfaction, and post-purchase intention in mobile value-added services.Computers in human behavior,25(4), 887-896. Ladhari, R. (2008). Alternative measures of service quality: a review.Managing Service Quality: An International Journal,18(1), 65-86. Mosahab, R., Mahamad, O., Ramayah, T. (2010). Service quality, customer satisfaction and loyalty: A test of mediation.International business research,3(4), 72. Santouridis, I., Trivellas, P. (2010). Investigating the impact of service quality and customer satisfaction on customer loyalty in mobile telephony in Greece.The TQM Journal,22(3), 330-343. Siddiqi, K. O. (2011). Interrelations between service quality attributes, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty in the retail banking sector in Bangladesh.International Journal of Business and Management,6(3), 12. Yee, R. W., Yeung, A. C., Cheng, T. E. (2010). An empirical study of employee loyalty, service quality and firm performance in the service industry.International Journal of Production Economics,124(1), 109-120.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Reflective Nursing free essay sample
Why is Reflective practive important in nursing? –Negative aspects positive aspects Why do nurses need to develop these skills? – to prepare us from future situations that may get us off guard. When, Why and How is reflective practice used? In the workforce there will be some situations in which we are faced to take some actions. There may be certain instances where we are caught off-guard and required to act in pressured moments. May it be a life and death situations or just an obstacle in which we learn along the way. Nurses are constantly faced with problems in their day-to-day basis. Here we look at why reflective practice is important, the negative aspects and the positive aspects of reflective nursing aswell as why nurses need to develop these skills. There are also steps on When, Why and How a reflective practive is used. REFLECTIVE PRACTICE IS AN IMPORTANT SKILL THAT NURSES NEED TO DEVELOP. We will write a custom essay sample on Reflective Nursing or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page There will be a moment where we will come across situations that will affect our emotions to think back hoping that we couldve handled that situation in a better way. This is where a reflective practice comes into play. This essay will explore and go in depth into what reflective practice is and how it affects us and how it also fits into our lives. In nursing we tend to interact with many different people and most of the time they will not always be 100% in thir state of mind. We will then be exposed to different expereinces. in order to deal with this certain traumatizing, belittling experience we have to look back on when it had happened, you ask yourself whether it couldve been avoided if it was a diffrent context. Why it happened in the first place and how it happened also what actions you shouldve taken at the time. We then find out that when we keep records of these reflections, it helps us to become better in how we may deal with situations that may arise. Reflective practice is .. The importance of Reflective Essay Negative Aspects that we experience can be turned into a positive aspect in the future. We need to develop these skills because How it can change for us in the future if we adapt reflective practice in our work ethics When, why and How a reflective practice is used
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Research Programme for Preschool Students
Introduction Preschoolers are incredible group of individuals that are fast growing. It is during the early years of growth that a child can be imparted with various developmental strategies so as to keep abreast with emerging developmental aspects especially in learning literature. Therefore, having simple and clear strategies of teaching will help impact the kids with relevant knowledge perfect growth and development in literal terms.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Research Programme for Preschool Students specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Selection of Literature Materials As I will be dealing with incredibly young individuals, it will be prudent to acquire simple forms of materials that will assist the kids to have uttermost understanding of the learning programme. This will help them attain maximum knowledge as they are in the exponential stage of development. During this stage they are able to maximize use o f their learning abilities (Giorgis, 2008). In addition, I will ensure that the learning strategies employed are interesting and captivating for the little and lovely minds. Good titles and books as media will be a good choice of teaching materials. I will help the kids develop positive attitude towards literature. The books will have illustrative objects such as pictures that are memorable. In addition, I will ensure that the choice of words in the books is interesting enough for the kids to relate to. Also, the choice of themes will be from selections that are captivating to the young minds and easy to remember. Characters in the literature material will be of animal origin such as hare of which kids are fond of. Furthermore, I will use educative materials that have high literal skills and are easy to understand. A CD Rom could also be a good media for my kids. I will ensure that they engage in listening and answering of questions especially in activities that require audience pa rticipation. Since, I want my students to relate with every portion of the activity I give, every pupil will have to perform the actions of the fictional animal characters in the stories that I will use. In case of creating models and coloring, my students will have the pleasure to do the activities themselves. This will help them improve their memory skills and discourage laziness and boredom Development Goals The concept of development is that there should be continuity of learning as pupils get to learn complex skills that are to be deepened into their system with time. This process can be done perfectly when relevant goals are achieved through the set objectives.Advertising Looking for essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Knowledge and Experience The knowledge and experience of the child should be taken as the basis for development. This will enable the child to understand abstract from concrete, complex fr om simple and unknown from known (Giorgis, 2008). All these strategies are geared towards making concepts relevant, coherent and effective to the child. The Environment The environment in which the child is in is a vital contributor to psychological development. Most learning modes happen to be first hand contact materials. These first hand contacts also works for the young minds that are in the process of development. That is why throughout the learning process, I will ensure I use the objects that are mostly used by the kids at home or in school. For instance, naming of most household objects such as chair, trees, cups, friends and domestic animals and pets will be part of my learning strategies. Guided Learning and Discovery I will be able to learn the experiences the child has acquired and help out in areas that the child is incapacitated. By identifying these experiences, I will be able to know what to add for full development of that particular stage (Hills, 1999). This will also go hand in hand with discovery of knew knowledge and experiences. Social and Emotional Development I will create the right environment for teacher and child interaction. The child’s learning experience could most probably be affected by the social and emotional aspect. I will improve their self confidence through improving their communication skills and nurturing the vital interpersonal intrapersonal development processes. Collaborative Work I will be able to introduce the children to joint learning methods that will ensure that each of them gains extra knowledge from their colleagues (Giorgis, 2008). This goal will also add up to social development. Having the kids know their friends problem solving strategies will intensify their understanding capabilities. I will ensure that I get to know the diverse aspects in my children’s social and economic life. With this knowledge, I will address them appropriately without alienating any of the kids but not allowing the m to notice their indifferences.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Research Programme for Preschool Students specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Assessment The significance of every learning process is assessment. With this I will be able to know my progress as a teacher and the progress of my little angels (Airasian, 2002). An assessment will help me ascertain my achievements and also create long and short term learning goals. With this needs in mind, I will be able to plan for the future effectively. Areas of assessment that I will work on will include learning procedures, strategies, stages and the products of learning. Assessments tools on the other hand will include informal methods like homework’s, observational methods and formal such as standardized tests and diagnostic tests. Implementation I will set objectives that I will have to achieve within a certain period of time supposedly a semester or term . I will only choose about three objectives as a start point. Some of these objectives will be like: Children will be able to follow the instructions keenly, follow direction and improve in their participation in class work. Children will be able to remember what they have learnt in class. Children will be able to do collaborative work and enhance peer interactions. I will also go through my lessons according to the standardized pre primary school teacher-expectations so as to be abreast with curriculum and teaching methods. Evaluation Summative evaluation or outcome is one of the focuses of good assessment methods. I will ensure that I give the assessment clear focus so as to accumulate enough reasons for my achievements or failure. But, my focus at this point is for nothing but success. This evaluation will determine whether the right objectives were considered for the programme. My evaluation plans will also include comparison of my results with other teaching institutions in the district, regional and national levels. By using the right formal and informal assessment tools, I will be able to know my achievements and areas that need adjustments. Conclusion Having young minds as my pupils is one job I enjoy doing. Being able to induct right knowledge into the pupils and to see them grow in experience will be my motivation. I will ensure that I do not go out of the teaching standards and expectations but use my knowledge of early childhood education to build a generation that is knowledgeable and productive. Advertising Looking for essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Kids love involvement in practical work, therefore, I will use proper development goals of each aspect of growth in kids to impart proper knowledge. Creating a positive environment will be handy in achieving these goals. Therefore, I will ensure that I do my best to achieve nothing but success. Reference List Airasian, P. (2002). Classroom Assessment. New York: McGraw-Hill. Giorgis, C., Joan, G. (2008). Young Children Literature: Supporting Emergent Literature (6th ed.). New York: Prentice hall. Hills, T. (1999). Learning: Educating Preschoolers. Washington, DC: National Academy Press. This essay on Research Programme for Preschool Students was written and submitted by user Za1n to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Market research is the key to success Essays
Market research is the key to success Essays Market research is the key to success Essay Market research is the key to success Essay p9) It might also have used customer interviews or questionnaires, focus or user groups, surveys or panels as one of the sources in order to have a general consumers overview. There are several advantages associated with field research. Tesco could aim questions directly at research objectives, derive latest information from the marketplace and assess the psychology of the customers. Moreover, the relevant data could be a competitive advantage as other rivals will not have had access to it. As for the drawbacks, it can be costly, time-consuming and at the same time Tesco taking risk of bias questionnaires and interviewer. In additions, the research findings may only be usable if comparable backdata exists (Marcouse, 2008, p144). On the contrary, desk research uses secondary data that already exists. If Tesco carried out desk research, it could collect data via internal and external resources. Internal resources may consisted of company accounts, internal reports and analysis, retail data (e. g. loyalty cards) and stock analysis (Biz/ed, n. d. ); whereas external resources may comprised rivals marketing literature, government-produced data, trade press and the internet (Marcouse, 2008, p143-144). Desk research often obtained a wide range of data without high cost, and usually based on actual sales figures or research on large samples which increase accuracy of the data. A further advantage is allowing Tesco to have a good overview of the market. However, the data may not be updated regularly and not tailor-made to companys need. Similarly, the reports may be expensive to buy on various marketplaces (ibid, p144). Market research data could be numerical or psychological, namely, quantitative or qualitative (Marcouse, 2008, p143). If Tesco used quantitative research, it concerns with gathering hard data on large sample of people and presenting information on statistical basis, such as diagrams that could be used to analyse the information. It usually interrelated with data on the market size, shares and growth. Three key perspectives to be considered by Tesco, that are sampling, writing an unbiased questionnaire that meet the research objectives, and assessing the validity of the results (ibid, p146). If Tesco used qualitative research, they could understand consumers behaviour, attitudes and perceptions in some depth but not statistics data. It usually conducted by psychologists and takes two main forms which are focus groups and depth interviews. Focus groups conducted with psychologists and a group of consumers; whereas depth interviews only between a psychologist and a consumer, which is better as to avoid risk that group opinions will be swayed by certain influential person (ibid, p145). It is at best if Tesco combined both research types as one because if only one research type being conducted, Tesco would not get a whole picture of consumers behaviour, attitudes and perceptions. Sampling means selecting people as representative of the whole of a population which their view will be taken as representative of all first-time buyers. There are three main sampling techniques that Tesco might have used. If Tesco used random samples, it ensures everyone in the population has an equal chance of being selected. It would be effective, but costly and time-consuming, and may have chosen those not in the right group. If Tesco chosen quota sampling, it selecting interviewees in proportion to the consumer profile within the target market (ibid, p146). It aims at obtaining a sample that represents the overall population (tutor2u, n. d. ). It is relatively cheap, effective and most commonly used. However, it is not random thus enduring some risk of bias. If Tesco opted stratified sampling, it only involved interviewees with key characteristic required for the sample. Within this stratum of population, individuals could be found indiscriminately or by setting quotas based on factors such as region (Marcouse, 2008, p143). Although it still random, it is more focussed, relevant and may be more cost effective. It is important for Tesco to consider the sample size and response rate as these could lead to serious issues such as launch of product flopped. Generally, a sample of 100 respondents is far more meaningful if the results are clear-cut. A sample of 1000 respondents is possible but costly. Survey methods may have influence in response rate and built-in bias rate. Database-driven research, for instance, may be the most accurate and reliable resource as it information bases upon current or ex-customers. Market research helps firms to plan ahead rather than to guess ahead (The Times 100). Large established companies such as Tesco have huge advantages over new smaller companies as their knowledge of consumer attitudes and behaviour constructed from years of market research conducted. However, it may not be the only factor that determines the success of a business. Test marketing, for instance, could provide more accurate data than marketing research, thus allows more accurate sales forecasts and identify a weak link; howsoever, it is far costly, acquire large-scale of production and allows rivals to foreseen. Besides, innovation enables company to distinguish themselves from rivals and even interrupt the product life cycle by extend the product maturity. Furthermore, external factors such as economic and environment could be the main issues. As an example, global recession is claimed by Tim Mason to be one of the factors that caused Tescos losses in US stores (Finch, 2009). Taking everything into consideration, certain conclusion can be drawn. Tesco which has strong home branding and in a very good financial health, that Fresh and Easy strategy would be far more effective and accurate if Tesco conducted both primary and secondary marketing research which combining both qualitative and quantitative research in specific locality of their United State stores. It appears probable that marketing research may be fairly important as one of the factors that determine the success of a business but may not be the only crucial factor.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Scenario Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Scenario - Essay Example Furthermore, it forces one side to feel oppressed and correct, while the other feels guilt. Bringing up such tension simples show how racism is easy to rekindle and divisive even in its resolutions. In Ms. Williams’ place, I would present situations in foreign countries that show the devastating results not only of racism, but of counter-racism. More important than simply raising awareness about how racism has subsided nation-wide is to show the damage cause when groups do exactly what the students are doingâ€â€coming together as a race to stand against, rather than unite with, another. I would show immediately the most basic case, which is how anti-Semitism developed in Nazi Germany as a result to a pro-white movement. This would illustrate how too much pride in one’s own race can devastate. I would go on to give them harsh realities of genocide. One example is the Armenian genocide committed by Turkey, where European people suffered at the hands of another race. I would also mention that blacks in Africa are not only the oppressed, as they were in 20th Century America, but also have been violently oppressive. In the end, this would give the students a dose of reality rather than idealism. It would be a warning that conflicts have no victors, and that racism divides can divide into even smaller grudges which can end not only in hurt but in shocking loss of human life. This would be a lesson for all, and it would end with a reminder of why America gives us opportunity to live togetherâ€â€because our fathers and grandfathers managed to come to
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